Engangsforklæder anbefales til brug inden for sundhedssektoren, forstærket beskyttelse til fødevareindustrien, veterinær brug, laboratorier, hospital applikationer, fabrikker og trykkerier, osv., til alle aktiviteter, der kræver barrierebeskyttelse mod sprøjt. De tilbyder lav beskyttelse mod kemiske risici.
English description:
The 50 μm aprons are recommended for various applications such as in the health sector, food industry, veterinary use, laboratories, medical and hospital settings, factories, and printing where barrier protection against splashes is needed, especially in research and veterinary fields. They provide low protection against chemical risks. Additionally, they are used in the food, electronics, and cleaning industries due to the absence of latex or chemical accelerators in PE, reducing skin irritation caused by allergies. These references comply with Regulation 2016/1416 on plastic materials for food contact in the food sector.